Problems with 3B2/310 and WIN/3B

Don Ferencz ferencz at cwsys3.cwru.Edu
Fri Dec 2 07:34:28 AEST 1988

Maybe someone out there has had a similar experience, if so *pleez* help:

We are running Wollongong's WIN/3B 1.1 on three 3B2 310's, (SysVR3.0).
Lately I've had some problems with memory management in the packages
driver.  The console will display "Sh: no buffer space available"
repeatedly.  Well, a "netstat -m" (display memory usage) will show that,
of 512 "mbufs" available for use, usually > 500 are in use.  (I have
found that a typical "rlogin" will use ~15 mbufs). 

The *real* annoying part is that, when I find this unusual problem,
a "netstat -A" (show active connections) will sometimes reveal that
an "rn" or "rlogin" connection was left hanging (with no controlling
process) and other time will reveal NO active connections.

I have found no way to deallocate this memory short of a 
complete POWERDOWN!

I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this, and if so,
how the heck can I deal with it?  I would be happy to find or write
a program that sends an ioctl down to the driver to tell it to
deallocate the memory.  The documentation for WIN/3B leaves something
to be desired...

Thanks in advance.

| Don Ferencz                       |  "And in the end/                   |
| ferencz at cwsys3.cwru.EDU           |   The love you take/                |
| Department of Systems Engineering |   Is equal to the love you make."   |
| Case Western Reserve University   |       -- The Beatles                |

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