UNIX PC, 110V-> 220 and "Norwegian" UNIX verion. (questions)

Simon A Reap sar at datcon.UUCP
Sat Dec 3 03:09:49 AEST 1988

In article <1259 at vsedev.VSE.COM> logan at vsedev.VSE.COM (James Logan III) writes:
>In article <3287 at sdsu.UUCP> knut at sdsu.UUCP (Knut B. Haaland) writes:
>#Does anybody know if there exists special adaptors converting from 
>#110V to 220V for computers?  
>I'm no electronics expert, but it seems to me that if they use 60
>HZ in Norway, you can just buy a trasformer with a 2:1 winding
>ratio that's hefty enough to handle the wattage drawn by your

All you need is the right voltage - my (U.S.) UnixPC copes quite
happily with (U.K.) 50Hz with just a plain, big, 300 Watt transformer,
bought for 20 pounds, sterling.  Be wary of little adapters sold to
power travellers' electric razors and so on.  I tried one and, even
though it had enough power, the output was so dirty that it managed to
blow the top off one of the capacitors in the PC's internal power
supply board! (VERY noisy and not a little worrying, finding little
bits of aluminium spread all over the innards of one's favourite toy!)
yerluvinunclesimon             Opinions are mine - my cat has her own ideas
Reach me at sar at datcon.co.uk, or ...!mcvax!ukc!pyrltd!datcon!sar

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