compiler error in term.h
Marcio de Carvalho
carvalho at
Wed Feb 24 03:42:05 AEST 1988
In article <696 at chutepc.UUCP> chute at chutepc.UUCP (Chris Chute MD) writes:
>I have tried to compile the rolodex program that recently came over the net
>on comp.sources.unix (in 4 parts). I left the TERMINFO defined. I am
>running release 3.51 of the UNIXpc with 3.51 development set and Terminfo
>development set (Rel 3.0) installed.
> The compiler complained about syntax in the include file, an experience I
>have never had before. The complait (on file clear.c) is as follows:
Before including term.h, add
#include <curses.h>
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