unix-pc.* newsgroups
Gary J. Smith
gary at ethos.UUCP
Wed Feb 3 12:14:35 AEST 1988
In article <3831 at islenet.UUCP> richard at islenet.UUCP (Richard Foulk) writes:
>When I originally suggested that some sort of gateway be setup
>between the two nets I thought that most people involved shared
>my interest for the greatest possible readership. I'm amazed
>that some don't. And I am a little discouraged.
Don't be discouraged. I think people on both sides of the
argument are interested in a combination of the greatest possible
readership with a collection of high quality postings. Some have
not been convinced that comp.sys.att swallowing the unix-pc
groups would bring that about. You should remember that the bulk
of good articles regarding the 3b1 with high signal to noise ratio
have been in unix-pc and not comp.sys.att. That is one reason
why we are reluctant abandon the unix-pc ship.
>I'm amazed by those that say the thing to do is to give everyone
>feeds to the unix-pc network, as if that were the best (or even
>a good) approach. Next to Usenet the unix-pc network is very small.
It is larger than you think, but certainly smaller than Usenet.
And since it consists only of sites interested in the 3b1, it
*should* be smaller. Not all the sites on Usenet are interested
in 3b1s, and not all readers of comp.sys.att are interested in
3b1s (although many are).
>Is it just a vocal clique that doesn't want to see the unix-pc
>groups modified (or even just better connected)?
>If they were simply pointing out flaws in a suggested approach
>I'd understand. But their responses to anything but the status
>quo have been surprisingly negative.
I think we have been pointing out flaws right and left. I have
no particular aversion to your creating some kind of gateway--as
long as it doesn't mean articles start getting double posted and
readers of comp.sys.att don't have to start wading through 2
copies of every cross-posted article written. I just wonder why
the gateway is necessary when cross-posting serves the exact same
purpose. And again, it isn't as if people can't get hooked up to
the unix-pc net. Many sites are willing to serve as feeders, and
my machine is one of them.
Gary J. Smith, M.D. {mcnc,ihnp4}!ethos!gary
P.O. Box 8005, Gray, Tenn. 37615
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