Mailing list announcement
Scott Hazen Mueller
scott at zorch.UU.NET
Thu Feb 4 01:33:48 AEST 1988
In article <1066 at bakerst.UUCP> kathy at bakerst.UUCP (Kathy Vincent) writes:
>In article <406 at zorch.UU.NET> scott at zorch.UU.NET (Scott Hazen Mueller) writes:
>Now wait - let's keep this civil.
My apologies. I over-reacted.
>Mostly, I spend my time trying to arrange direct feeds, not mail routes,
>for people who say they'd like to get the unix-pc.* groups. I have
>suggested the mail method - and used it myself - when a direct feed
>was not available, which hasn't been very often.
Direct feeds are a good idea, when they can be used. Problems with the above
that I can think of: a significant number of Unix-PC owners don't carry
news on their system - what news they do read is at work, where they don't
administers the system and no-one has the time to set them up; feeds may only
be available long-distance, and the cost (even if small) is prohibitive. Now,
I'm certainly not going to fault a Unix-PC owner for *not* running News; it
is definitely a hairy piece of software, even 'just' to install.
>>2) A gateway is *automatic*. It puts no requirements on posters to make
>>intelligent choices. And it has been shown time and again through the
>>experience of the Usenet that posters by and large *don't* make intelligent
>Well, now that you've insulted *everyone* indiscriminately ... :-)
If the shoe fits... After I wrote the above, I *made* *sure* that I went
back and examined my outgoing header. Despite all of the safeguards and
checks built into Pnews (I don't know about postnews) people still post
indiscriminately; just observe the number of people saying 'get that
discussion out of here!'
>So let me ask you another question - just out of curiosity: Are you
>also planning to gateway UNIX pc articles back from comp.sys.att to the
>unix-pc net?
If I don't get broiled alive for my temerity in so suggesting, yes, I would
like to. It's a rather more complex problem than just the original gateway
proposal: comp.sys.att is a superset of unix-pc, and I don't know if all of
the 3B1/7300 owners would much appreciate articles about 6300/6300+/3BN (N>1)
appearing out of the blue.
>Including, e.g., responses to unix-pc.* postings that you're gatewaying
>into comp.sys.att?
If I can manage a reasonable gateway back into unix-pc, responses should
tend to come automatically. The problem is one of discrimination: how does
the gateway tell? My best answer so far is to poke through the headers
looking for key words, such as '3B1', '7300', 'Unix-PC', etc. This can
become very resource-intensive, though, and I'm open to better suggestions.
>Wasn't it a 3B2 owner who started this???!
'Splitting comp.sys.att', I think was the original article title...
>Kathy Vincent ------> {ihnp4|mtune|codas|ptsfa}!bakerst!kathy
> ------> {ihnp4|mtune|burl}!wrcola!kathy
Scott Hazen Mueller scott at zorch.UU.NET
(408) 245-9461 (pyramid|tolerant|uunet)!zorch!scott
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