Fan reversal on 3b1/7300
Roger M. Shimada
rms at meccsd.MECC.MN.ORG
Fri Feb 19 11:06:21 AEST 1988
In article <409 at flatline.UUCP> erict at flatline.UUCP (eric townsend) writes:
> [ huge amounts of dust getting sucked into a 3B1. ]
>Solution (of a sort): Reverse the fan and add a easily removeable filter.
One day, I was looking through the air vents towards the bottom of my
3B1 and noticed dust bunnies. Decided it was time for cleaning.
The motherboard was completely covered with dust. The disk drives sit
above the motherboard, and the hard drive has a box-like covering, so
they were mostly spared. By the way, the only air flowing in though
the top housing is on the right side, under the monitor. (A few
square inches of the "striped" area.) Right over some of the power
supply circuitry.
Unfortunately, I had forgotten which direction the fan was put in.
Several minutes after I powered it on, I noticed the machine starting
to get warm all over. Changed the fan direction and it's never been
that warm since.
Is dust a bad thing to a 3B1? (Most of the chips on the motherboard
are soldered in, if this makes any difference).
Roger M. Shimada ihnp4!meccts!rms rms at MECC.MN.ORG
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