Feb '88 Unix PC site list
dave munroe
dave at safari.UUCP
Mon Feb 8 18:23:32 AEST 1988
Here is the latest list of sites receiving the unix-pc.* newsgroups as of
February 7, 1988. The new format not only provides much more information,
but will allow you to grep for specific items.
Each site has an entry in the format show below. Not all of the lines below
are required. As a minimum, I would suggest providing at least the uucp
information (the first five lines: #na, #ac, #uu, #fe, #cp).
#na name of site
#ac area code, city, state
#uu main uucp connections to this site
#fe ability to feed other sites
#cp contact person's name (and site!person specification)
#or organization's name or affiliation
#in professional area of interest or expertise
#mo machine model designation
#hd size of hard disk
#mm main memory size (motherboard + any expansion memory)
#ec types of expansion cards
#os operating system software and version
#sw other software
#rm remarks
#ed edit/entry date
A few comments:
- the machine represented by #na need not be a Unix PC. If your system
is a 3B2 and you're getting the unix-pc newsgroups, the you have no
choice but to enter the sitename in #na and put "3B2" in #mo. However,
in the situation where you have a Unix PC which is not on the net, but
is otherwise getting linked to some other system, then enter the Unix PC's
sitename in #na and put the name of the other system in #uu.
- for the sites in #uu, it is understood that they are the main
connections to the site in #na. For example:
#na safari
#uu ihnp4, ptsfa, tektronix!reed!omen
implies: ihnp4!safari, ptsfa!safari, and tektronix!reed!omen!safari
Unix PC sites (as of Feb. 7, 1988)
#na amanpt1
#ac 401 Middletown, RI
#uu galaxia
#fe yes
#cp Mark Rinfret (amanpt1!mrr)
#na amanue
#ac 412 Grindstone, PA
#cp Jim Rosenberg (amanue!jr)
#na ariel
#ac 201 Middletown, NJ
#cp Ron Mangione (oberon!ram)
#na arnold
#ac 714, Mission Viejo, Ca
#uu ccicpg
#fe South Orange County area
#cp Dave Arnold (arnold!dave)
#or Private
#in Systems programming, Communications
#mo 7300
#hd 40
#mm .5 + .5
#ec .5 ram
#os 3.5 + development set
#sw anything posted to comp.sources.* since Oct '87
#ed 1988 jan 20
#na atrium
#ac 512 San Antonio, Tx
#uu {ihnp4, gatech}!petro
#cp Joseph Gomez (atrium!sysop)
#na bacchus
#ac 919 Durham, NC
#uu mcnc, ethos, bakerst, gladys, icus
#fe local & if polled
#cp Darren Friedlein (bacchus!darren)
#or Humanities Forum - R.T.P. BBS & personal use
#mo 7300 upgraded
#hd 67
#mm 1+1.5
#ec EIA port board & EIA port board/1.5M
#os OS and Dev Set
#sw mailx, elm, nethack, kermit, rn, UNaXcess, uEMACS, smail, HDB, etc...
#rm PCPursuitable. Will feed unix-pc.* newsgroups and mail. Must be
#rm polled if not local.
#rm I run a BBS (Humanities Forum - RTP) that shares a message base with
#rm Humanities Forum in TN (ethos). Can be reached at 919/596-7746.
#ed Sun Jan 24 00:14:58 EST 1988
#na bakerst
#ac 919 Winston-Salem, NC
#uu codas, ethos, ihnp4, mtune, ptsfa
#fe yes (local or PC Pursuit)
#cp Kathy Vincent (bakerst!kathy)
#na balrog
#ac 603 Brookline, NH
#uu ethos
#fe yes
#cp Gary Grebus (balrog!glg)
#na barak
#ac 201 Highland Park, NJ
#uu mtune
#cp David Berk (barak!dab)
#na bilanc
#ac 303 Denver, CO
#uu ethos
#cp Richard Bilancia (bilanc)
#na bsdpkh
#ac 305 Altamonte Springs, FL
#cp Paul Heffner (bsdpkh!heffner)
#na burl
#ac 919 Burlington, NC
#cp Curtis Jackson (burl!rcj)
#na bu-cs
#ac 617 Boston, MA
#uu harvard, mit-eddie
#fe yes
#cp Len Tower (bu-cs!tower)
#or Boston University
#mo Sun 3/160
#os Sun UNIX 4.2 Release 3.4
#rm BU Comp. Sci. Undergrad. Lab. has several 3b1's.
#ed Wed Jan 27 15:12:34 1988
#na caelum
#ac 201 Middletown, NJ
#cp Ron Mangione (oberon!ram)
#na cbosgd
#ac 614 Columbus, OH
#fe yes
#cp Mark Horton (cbosgd!mark)
#na cgh
#ac 215 Strafford, PA
#fe yes
#cp Paul Homchick (cgh!paul)
#na chinet
#ac 312 Chicago, IL
#fe yes
#cp Randy Suess (chinet!randy)
#na chutepc
#ac 617 Boston, MA
#uu ethos
#fe yes
#cp Chris Chute (chutepc!chute)
#na cjsa
#ac 203 New Haven, CT
#cp Jeffery Small (cjsa!jeff)
#na clyde
#ac 201 Whippany, NJ
#uu ihnp4, cbosgd, akgua, watmath
#cp Larry Auton (clyde!lda)
#na codas
#ac 305 Altamonte Springs, FL
#cp Mikel Manitius (codas!mikel)
#na cogent
#ac 209 Stockton, CA
#fe yes
#cp Mark Jeghers (cogent!mark)
#na comdim
#ac 415, San Francisco, California
#uu ptsfa
#fe local
#cp Gregg Stratton (comdim!gregg)
#or Computer Dimensions
#in applications programming and systems analysis
#mo 3B1
#hd 67
#mm .5 + .5
#ec .5MB RAM card and 73-DOS card
#os 3.5 + development set
#sw mailx, uEmacs, GNU Emacs, kermit, Multiplan, Smart System
#ed 1988 jan 16
#na cpsc6a
#ac 415 Oakland, CA
#cp Paul Olson (cpsc6a!peo)
#na cvpath
#ac 801, Lindon, Utah
#uu mtune, beaker
#fe local and pcpursuit cities
#cp Paul Urie (cvpath!paul)
#in cardiovascular pathology
#mo 3B1
#hd 67
#mm 2 + 1.5
#ec 1.5MB Combo Card
#os 3.5 + development set
#ed 1988 Feb 2
#na dalcso
#ac 214 Dallas, TX
#cp Ron Taylor (dalcso!ron)
#na ddsw1
#ac 312, Mundelein, IL
#uu ihnp4 spl1 gargoyle
#fe yes
#cp Karl S. Denninger (ddsw1!karl), voice +1 312 566 8910
#or Macro Computer Solutions, Inc.
#mo AT/386 compatible
#hd 110M total online
#mm 3.6M available RAM
#ec Multiport board, others.
#os SCO Xenix V2.2.1
#sw Usenet, many others
#rm We feed 'alt', 'pubnet', 'unix-pc', and 'co' on request
#ed Sun Jan 24 19:12:25 CST 1988
#na ditka
#ac 412 Pittsburgh, PA
#fe yes
#cp Karl Swartz (decvax!formtek!kls, {floyd,pitt,psuvax1}!idis!formtek!kls)
#na dmk3b1
#ac 203, Branford, Connecticut
#uu uunet, mfci
#fe local or polled, Trailblazers preferred
#cp David Keaton (dmk3b1!dmk)
#or David Keaton (individual)
#in theoretical computer science, systems software, computer architecture
#mo 3B1
#hd 67
#mm 2
#ec tape backup, DOS-73
#os 3.5 + development set
#sw uEmacs, Small C cross compilers
#rm Gets most newsgroups; spool space and phone time are getting tight.
#ed 1988 Jan 30
#na dplace
#ac 415 Livermore, CA
#uu pacbell
#cp Dave Lampe
#na dsinc
#ac 215 Huntingdon Valley, PA
#uu allegra, bellcore, bpa, vu-vlsi
#cp Sydney S. Weinstein (dsinc!syd)
#or Datacomp Systems, Inc.
#na dukeac
#ac 919 Durham, NC
#uu ethos
#cp Bennett Todd (dukeac!bet)
#na dukempd
#ac 919 Durham, NC
#uu ethos
#fe no
#cp Cyrus Rahman (dukempd!cr)
#na emory
#ac 404 Atlanta, GA
#cp Ken Mandelberg (emory!km)
#na ethos
#ac 615 Gray, TN
#uu ihnp4, mtune, mcnc
#fe yes
#cp Gary Smith (ethos!gary)
#na fthood
#ac 817 Fort Hood, TX
#fe no
#cp Emmet Gray (fthood!egray)
#na galaxia
#ac 401, Portsmouth, Rhode Island
#uu rayssd
#fe I can make local calls and maybe further if you have 2400 baud
#cp Dave Brierley (galaxia!dave)
#or I bought it, it's mine.
#in systems programming, operating systems research
#mo 7300
#hd 20 (soon to be more)
#mm 1 meg (soon to be more)
#ec none yet
#os 3.51 + development set
#sw elm, sendmail (plus much more after I get my new disk)
#rm galaxia is the news/mail gateway for about a dozen local machines
#ed 15 Jan 1988
#na george
#ac 214, Dallas, TX
#uu ntvax, emory
#cp Tom Jacob (george!jacob)
#ed Fri Jan 22 16:41:14 EST 1988
#na gethen
#ac (415)655-4999
#uu ucbvax!unisoft, lll-winken.llnl.gov, hoptoad!unisoft
#fe local
#cp Mike Farren (gethen!farren)
#or None
#in programming, public-access systems
#mo 3b1
#hd 67
#mm 2
#ec none
#os System V version 3.51
#sw uemacs, 2.11B news, various games, mg (buggy)
#rm news feed for several systems, unix-pc especially
#ed 1988 Jan 17
#na gizzmo
#ac 315 Walworth, NY
#fe yes
#cp Mark Hilliard (gizzmo!mark)
#na gladys
#ac 919 Tobaccoville, NC
#fe yes
#cp David Dalton (gladys!david)
#na glimmer
#ac 201 Holmdel, NJ
#fe yes
#cp Tim Thompson (glimmer!tjt)
#na godfre
#ac 212 New York, NY
#fe no
#cp Richard Van Deren (godfre!vanderen)
#na gonzo
#ac El Cerrito, CA
#cp Dave Brower (gonzo!daveb)
#na gwspc
#ac 614, Columbus, Ohio
#uu cbosgd, cbcsta, n8emr
#fe at&t sites only, must be on datakit
#cp Gary Sanders (gwspc!gws)
#or AT&T Bell Labs
#mo 7300 upgraded
#hd 67
#mm 1+1.5
#ec combo eia,dos
#os 3.5 os and utils ( soon to be 3.51)
#ed Fri Jan 15 10:56:06 EST 1988
#na hcfeams
#ac 312 Chicago, IL
#cp Samuel Spitzner (hcfeams!sks)
#na ho2cad
#ac 201 Holmdel, NJ
#fe yes
#cp Eric Bustad (ho2cad!news)
#na ho3cad
#ac 201 Holmdel, NJ
#fe yes
#cp Eric Bustad (ho3cad!news)
#na hrcca
#ac 312 Lisle, IL
#fe yes
#cp Tom Chapin (hrcca!tjc)
#na hropus
#ac 201 Holmdel, NJ
#fe yes
#cp Edmond Gong (hropus!gong)
#na hsi
#ac 203 New Haven, CT
#uu uunet, ihnp4
#fe We are able to feed other sites who'll pay for the phone call.
#cp Richard Stevens (hsi!stevens)
#or Health Systems International, New Haven, CT
#ed 1988 Jan 22
#na icus
#ac 516, Islip, New York
#uu mtune, ihnp4, boulder, talcott, ptsfa
#fe yes
#cp Lenny Tropiano (...icus!lenny)
#or ICUS Computer Group, Islip, NY
#in UNIX System V internals
#mo 3B1
#hd 67MB
#mm 2MB
#ec DOS-73 coprocessor
#os Release 3.51 + Development Set
#sw elm, Multiplan, Informix, HDB, News 2.11.14, Store (misc), mailx
#rm Can poll using PC Pursuit, but not accessable through it.
#ed Fri Jan 22 08:36:43 EST 1988
#na ides
#cp Doug Wait (abfli!doug)
#na ihail
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp S.R.Venkatramanan (ihail!raven)
#na ihchk
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp S.R.Venkatramanan (ihchk)
#na ihlpl
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp S.R.Venkatramanan (ihlpl)
#na ihop3
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#fe yes
#cp Steve Spearman (ihop3!spear)
#na ihreza
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp Reza Zarafshar (ihreza!reza0)
#na ihrfs
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp Reza Zarafshar (ihrfs)
#na ihsaba
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp Bruce Sabalaskey (ihsaba!saba)
#na ihtlt
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp Terry Todd (ihtlt!tlt)
#na ihtnt
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp Terry Todd (ihtnt)
#na ihwpt
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp Terry Todd (ihwpt)
#na il_cmv
#ac 312 Naperville, IL
#cp Craig Votava (il_cmv!cmv)
#na islenet
#ac Honolulu, Hawaii
#uu dual, ihnp4, vortex
#cp Richard Foulk (islenet!richard)
#na jay
#ac 312 Evanston, IL
#cp Mark Mahowald (jay!mark)
#na killer
#ac 214 Dallas, TX
#cp Charlie Boykin (killer!root)
#na kitty
#ac 716 Buffalo, NY
#uu ethos
#fe yes
#cp Larry Lippman (kitty!larry)
#na kmpc
#ac 404, Atlanta, GA
#uu emory
#cp Ken Mandelberg (emory!kmpc!km)
#or Ken Mandelberg's Home System
#ed Fri Jan 22 16:31:41 EST 1988
#na kodak
#ac 716 Rochester, NY
#fe no
#cp Steve Archer (kodak!archer)
#na kosman
#ac 805 Channel Islands, CA
#fe yes
#cp Kevin O'Gorman (kosman!kevin)
#na ll1
#ac 312 Lisle, IL
#cp Dick Collins (ll1)
#na lll-winken
#ac 415 Livermore, CA
#uu uunet
#fe yes
#cp Joe Carlson (lll-winken!carlson, carlson at lll-winken.llnl.gov)
#na loci
#ac 214 Richardson, TX
#uu ihnp4!killer
#fe no
#cp Charles Brunow (loci!clb)
#or Loci Software (educational software for MS-DOS market)
#in astronomic, navigation, graphics software; sat tracking. simulation.
#mo PC7300
#hd 20 M
#mm 500 k
#ec dos-73
#os unix sysV, vers 2.0, 3.0; ua deleted (with malice)
#sw unix development system, MS-DOS c development system
#sw "Loci StarDB", stellar database w/ intergrated sky mapper (7300|HGA)
#rm epson lx-86; fixRTC, mac73
#ed JD 2447185.407234
#na lokkur
#ac 313, Dexter, MI
#uu umix oxtrap m-net dwon janus shade
#cp Steve Simmons (lokkur!scs)
#or Inland Sea Software, Ltd.
#in UNIX training, consulting, and administration services
#mo 7300
#hd 20
#mm .5 + .5
#ec .5Mb
#os 3.51+dev set
#sw smail/pathalias
#rm Just another little unix box...
#ed Wed Jan 20 21:05:57 EST 1988
#na ltuxa
#ac 214 Richardson, TX
#uu ethos
#na manta
#ac 215 Philadelphia, PA
#uu vu-vlsi!drexel, rutgers!bpa!drexel
#fe local or polled
#cp Brant Cheikes (manta!brant)
#in artificial intelligence
#sw Gnu Emacs, smail2.5
#ed Fri Jan 29 17:50:40 EST 1988
#na maxepr
#ac 415 Mill Valley, CA
#cp Ken Brassler (maxepr!ken)
#na mccc
#ac 201, Trenton, NJ
#uu ihnp4!pruxa!princeton
#cp pjh (mccc!pjh)
#or Mercer County Community College
#mo 3B2/400
#rm We have 24 7300s, 16 of which are being used as dumb terminals
#rm to a 3B2/400
#na mcdchg
#ac 312 Schaumburg, IL
#uu ethos
#fe yes
#cp Ron Heiby (mcdchg!heiby)
#na mozart
#ac 516, Stony Brook, NY
#uu icus noether
#cp Mark Galassi (mozart!postmaster)
#or Mark Galassi Research
#mo AT&T 3B1
#hd 67M
#mm 2M
#os 3.51
#rm Semi-public UNIX system. Call or send mail to get account.
#ed Thu Jan 21 08:00:45 EST 1988
#na mtune
#ac 201 Middletown, NJ
#fe yes
#cp Jonathan Clark (mtune!jhc)
#na n8emr
#ac 614, Columbus, Ohio
#uu cbcsta,gwspc,uncle,oink, osu-cis (soon)
#fe local or they call me
#cp Gary Sanders (n8emr!gws)
#or N8EMR Ham BBS..
#in ham/packet radio, unix,c
#mo 7300 upgraded
#hd 67
#mm 1+1.5
#ec combo eia
#os 3.5 os and utils ( soon to be 3.51)
#sw mailx,smail,xbbs,tcp/ip,
#rm I run a Ham radio BBS and have access via packet radio and tcpip (radio)
#ed Fri Jan 15 10:58:40 EST 1988
#na ncc
#ac Edmonton Alberta, T5J 2E7
#uu alberta, csb, daver, ers
#fe yes
#cp Lyndon Nerenberg (ncc!usenet)
#or Nexus Computing Inc. 300 One Thornton Court, Edmonton Alberta, T5J 2E7
#mo Sun 3/280S
#os SunOS 3.4
#rm We will accept new connections for unix-pc feeds, and have a pair of
#rm Trailblazers connected for those sites so equipped.
#ed Tue Jan 19 19:11:55 MST 1988
#na ncoast
#ac 216 Cleveland, Ohio
#fe local sites only, we don't have PC-Pursuit yet
#uu cbosgd (irregular, roughly 2x/week)
#uu necntc (3x/day, mail only, restricted)
#uu hal (DEMAND + every hour their side, news/mail)
#uu mandrill (3x/day, restricted)
#uu uccba (1/day, news/mail)
#uu hoptoad (1/day, news/mail, some restrictions)
#cp ncoast!rhg (Rich Garrett)
#cp ncoast!smith (Phil Smith)
#cp ncoast!allbery (Brandon S. Allbery)
#rm Send email to one of the contacts above for more information.
#rm We're willing to accept new UUCP connections, just make sure you ask
#rm us for a login first!
#na ncsugn
#ac 919, Raleigh, NC
#uu ncsuvx, mcnc, ngn
#fe Yes
#cp Ted H. Emigh (ncsugn!emigh)
#or North Carolina State University, Dept of Genetics
#in Statistics, Genetics
#mo AT&T 3B2/400
#hd 144MB Total
#mm 4MB
#os System V Revision 3.0
#rm Gateway to Department of Genetics 7300's
#ed 23 January 1988
#na ncsuvx
#ac 919 Raleigh, NC
#na netzer
#cp Rob Netzer (netzer!rob)
#na oink
#ac 614 Columbus, OH
#fe no
#cp Jim Pryor (oink!jep)
#na olnl1
#ac Leiden, The NETHERLANDS
#uu ethos
#cp Joop van der Peet (olnl1!joop)
#na opus
#ac 201 Holmdel, NJ
#fe yes
#cp Edmond Gong (opus!gong)
#na osu-eddie
#ac 614 Columbus, OH
#fe yes
#cp Bob Sutterfield (osu-eddie!bob)
#na oxtrap
#ac 313, Ann Arbor, MI
#uu hal umix
#fe local and pc-pursuitable
#cp rich at oxtrap
#rm not a 3b1
#ed Tue Jan 26 12:18:44 EST 1988
#na pbhacker
#ac 415 San Ramon, CA
#fe no
#cp Lee Hounshell
#na pbhya
#ac 415 Hayward, CA
#cp Theresa Bachicha (pbhya!tmb)
#na pcbox
#ac Castro Valley, CA
#cp Paul J. Condie (pcbox!pjc)
#na pcid
#ac Rochester NY
#uu ethos
#cp Mark Hilliard (pcid)
#na peaks
#ac 303 Boulder, CO
#cp Bruce Welker (peaks!bdw)
#na peora
#ac 305 Orlando, FL
#cp Randy Hendry (peora!randy)
#na phuxa
#ac 602 Phoenix, AZ
#cp Ed Koe (phuxa!usa)
#na prayf
#ac 201 Highland Park, N.J.
#uu rutgers, ihnp4!pruxe
#fe local
#cp Avi Feldblum (prayf!ayf)
#mo 3b1
#hd 67
#mm 2
#os 3.5
#sw gnumacs, elm
#rm home of the mail.jewish mailing list
#rm email: ayf at pruxe.att.com, ihnp4!pruxe!ayf, ayf%prayf.uucp at rutgers.edu
#ed 4 Feb 1988
#na ptsfa
#ac 415 San Francisco, CA
#fe yes
#cp David St. Pierre (ptsfa!dsp)
#na quest
#ac 612 Burnsville, MN
#uu ihnp4
#fe yes
#or Quest Research Inc.
#cp Scott S. Bertilson (scott at uf.msc.umn.edu or quest!sheldon)
#na rabtrs
#ac 303 Littleton, CO
#fe yes
#cp Richard Bilancia (rabtrs!rab)
#na rayssd
#ac 401, Portsmouth, Rhode Island
#uu ukma, cbosgd, gatech, necntc
#fe No can do, except maybe if you have a trailblazer plus.
#cp Dave Brierley (rayssd!dhb)
#or Raytheon Company, Submarine Signal Division
#mo Vax 11/785
#hd more than I care to count
#mm 48 meg (whoever said 4.2bsd would only support 8 meg?)
#os 4.2BSD
#rm rayssd is the official Raytheon gateway machine
#ed 15 Jan 1988
#na ronspc
#ac 303 Littleton, CO
#cp Richard Bilancia (ronspc)
#na rtech
#ac Alameda, CA
#cp Dave Brower (rtech!daveb)
#na safari
#ac 503, Portland, Oregon
#uu ptsfa, ihnp4, tektronix!reed!omen
#fe local and pacific northwest
#cp Dave Munroe (safari!dave)
#or Safari Time Labs
#in systems programming
#mo 3B1
#hd 67
#mm 2 + 2
#ec just 2MB RAM card
#os 3.5 + development set
#sw mailx, Little Smalltalk, TeX, uEmacs
#rm direct rs232 connection to 20x1MB Unix PC 7300
#ed 1988 jan 14
#na sandoz
#ac 201 East Hanover, NJ
#cp Victor Sedlacko (sandoz!sedlac)
#na scgvaxd
#ac 213 Los Angeles, CA
#fe yes
#cp Michael Peterson (scgvaxd!mkp)
#na scirtp
#ac 919 Research Triangle Park, NC
#fe yes
#cp David Hinnant (scirtp!dfh)
#na sendai
#ac 313, Ann Arbor, MI
#uu oxtrap
#fe local
#cp rich at oxtrap, rich at sendai
#mo 3b1
#hd 67
#mm 2.5
#ec combo
#os 3.51 + devo
#sw usenet, gnu, pd
#ed Tue Jan 26 12:20:40 EST 1988
#na sfsup
#ac 201 Summit, NJ
#cp John Roney (sfsup!jcr)
#na shawn
#ac 209 Stockton, CA
#uu ihnp4!ptsfa!cogent
#fe yes
#cp Mark Jeghers (cogent!mark, shawn!mark)
#na shlepper
#ac 201, Middletown, NJ
#uu mtune, cbosgd, ihnp4
#fe AT&T sites only
#cp Andy Sherman (shlepper!andys)
#or AT&T Bell Laboratories, Medical Diagnostic Systems
#in Systems Engineering, Performance Analysis
#mo 3B1
#hd 67 MB
#mm 2 MB
#ec DOS-73, RS-232
#os UNIX System V, UNIX-PC Release 3.51
#sw smail, sendmail, B News 2.11
#rm accessible through AT&T network
#ed 1988, jan 26
#na skeeve
#ac 404, Atlanta, Georgia
#uu gatech, emory, emoryu1, gladys, bakerst
#fe Atlanta dialing area, anyone who wants to call me
#cp Arnold Robbins (gatech!skeeve!arnold)
#or Arnold Robbins's home computer
#in Operating systems, compilers, Unix, Computer Science
#mo 3B1
#hd 67 (could be 80 if h/w would support)
#mm 2
#os 3.51 + Development set
#sw stuff from Store, Gnu project, Usenet, whatnot - News 2.11.14
#rm I can be reached via PC Pursuit, but do not use it myself
#ed Thu Jan 14 22:32:38 EST 1988
#na snark
#ac 215, Philadelphia, PA
#uu rutgers!vu-vlsi, ihnp4!cbmvax
#fe yes, anyone who'll call me
#cp rutgers!vu-vlsi!snark!eric (Eric S. Raymond)
#or Thyrsus Enterprises
#in systems programming, language design, AI, software engineering
#mo 3b1
#hd 67MB
#mm 2.5M
#ec 1 .5M card
#os 3.5
#sw Home site of Teenage Mutant Ninja Netnews
#rm If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!
#ed Mon Jan 25 1988
#na spdcc
#ac 617 Cambridge, MA
#uu ihnp4, harvard, husc6, linus, ima, bbn, m2c
#fe yes
#cp Steve Dyer (spdcc!dyer, dyer at spdcc.COM, dyer at harvard.harvard.edu)
#na sunybcs
#ac 716 Amherst, NY
#cp John LoVerso (sunybcs!loverso)
#na twitch
#ac 201 Holmdel, NJ
#fe yes
#cp Tim Thompson (twitch!tjt)
#na ukecc
#ac 606 Lexington, KY
#fe yes
#cp Ed Bennett (edward at engr.uky.edu)
#na ukma
#ac 606 Lexington, KY
#fe yes
#cp David Herron (david at ms.uky.edu)
#na uncle
#ac 614, Columbus, Ohio
#uu cbosgd!osu-cis!n8emr
#fe local
#cp John B. Milton (uncle!jbm)
#or Me and my computer
#in Fractals
#mo 7300
#hd 80M CDC wren II
#mm 1M + .5M
#ec .5M ram card
#os 3.5
#sw mailx, uEmacs, Icon
#rm Direct connect to BAD vt-100 in the kitchen
#ed 1988 jan 16
#na unisec.usi.com
#ac 512-255-8751, Round Rock,Tx 78681
#uu uiucuxc,ut-sally,kitty,romp
#fe local or polled
#cp Darryl Wagoner dpw at unisec.usi.com
#or UniSecure Systems Inc.
#in unix security, NFS, and Unix
#mo 3b1
#hd 67 mb
#mm 2 mb
#ec none yet
#os 3.51
#sw PD stuff and UNISEC 1.0
#ed Fri Jan 15 19:36:15 CST 1988
#na ureka
#ac 716 Spencerport, NY
#cp Charlie Crassi (ureka!charlie)
#na vu-vlsi
#ac 215 Villanova, PA
#cp Rick Perry (vu-vlsi!perry)
#na we53
#ac 314 Ballwin, MO
#cp Bill Bevans (we53!wcb)
#na woton
#ac 409 Galveston, TX
#cp Prentiss Riddle (woton!riddle)
#na wsmpc
#ac 404, Atlanta, GA
#uu emory
#cp Bill Mahavier (wsmpc!wsm)
#or Bill Mahavier's Home System
#ed Fri Jan 22 16:31:41 EST 1988
#na wucs2
#ac 314 St. Louis, MO
#cp Bill Ross (wucs2!br)
#na zorch
#ac 408 Sunnyvale, CA
#uu uunet pyramid!tolerant
#fe Willing to feed unix-pc to anyone in local calling area
#cp Scott Hazen Mueller (zorch!scott, zorch!usenet, zorch!postmaster)
#rm willing to accept incoming calls
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