trouble with Unix PC on-board modem in Australia
David Keaton
dmk at dmk3b1.UUCP
Sun Feb 7 04:23:29 AEST 1988
The problem this person describes puzzles me. Can anyone else help?
Maybe someone with experience using US modems on overseas phone systems?
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 88 08:34:39 est
From: uunet!munnari!!lloyd (Lloyd Vickers)
Subject: modem on UNIXPC
David, my name is Lloyd Vickers and I saw your posting on the net
[comp.dcom.modems I assume -DMK] about the UNIXPC and thought you may
help. I am trying to use the internal modem but lack of docs is a major
hinderance. After at least two trys I manage to contact one of our
local (Melbourne Australia) BBS but after the initial logon the BBS
(most I have tried) drop the CD signal while staring up the main
programme. At this stage the UNIXPC disconnects and drops me back into
the phone manager. Please can you help or could you post this to
comp.sys.att as we do not have that group here. I have no tools or any
extras on the system only the bare bones. Thanks in advance.
Lloyd Vickers
David Keaton
dmk%dmk3b1 at
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