Mailing list announcement

Scott Hazen Mueller scott at zorch.UU.NET
Sun Jan 31 04:00:30 AEST 1988

As of a few days ago, I am running a public mailing list for the purpose of
sending articles from the unix-pc News network to people who cannot get the
unix-pc groups.  Send mail to me if you wish to be included on this list.

As with any mailing list, if the readership gets high enough, Something
Will Have To Be Done.  In the case of this list, the specific proposal is
to gateway the unix-pc groups into comp.sys.att.  If you're interested in
seeing this done, join the list; help me get the readership count high

Scott Hazen Mueller   scott at zorch.UU.NET
(408) 245-9461        (pyramid|tolerant|uunet)!zorch!scott

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