CDC Wren II's for sale (again.) 28Ms - 76Mb - $390.00

Robert M. Bownes III rmb384 at leah.Albany.Edu
Tue Feb 14 05:40:54 AEST 1989

	I have obtained 6 more CDC Wren II's to pass on to the net if anyone
is interested. Here's the particulars:

	Drives are used, removed from working equipment, tested on an AT &
	68K Unix systems.

	9 heads, 924 Cylinders, ~76Mb formatted capacity. There is no other
	documentation, but you really shouldn't need any.

	28Ms seek times.

	They come ready to plug into a MFM ST506 type controller. I've not
	tested them with an RLL controller, but don't think they are RLL

	The only warantee I can pass on to you is: "If it doesn't work
	when you get it, it'll either be replaced or refunded." Sorry, I wish
	I could do better.

	They've been sucessfully used on AT's, 3b's, and my 68000 based Xenix

	Cost: $390.00 + shipping. Shipping is either $7.00 for UPS or $14.00
	for 2nd day air.

	If you are interested, either call me @ (518)-482-8798 before 11 am EST,
	or send e-mail with your phone #. If you get my housemate when you call,
	leave a message *and* call back. Last time I did this he stopped taking

	I'm just rying to pass on a good deal to the net here....

Bob Bownes, Aka Keptin Comrade Dr Bobwrench III	| The opinions herein are not 
bownesrm at beowulf.uucp  (518)-482-8798		| the author's or any group to 
{steinmetz,brspyr1,sun!sunbow}!beowulf!bownesrm	| which he belongs, in fact 
"White Noise Radio, Your request please?"	| he doesn't even exist....

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