Second Hard Drive for UNIX-pc; HwNote10

Dave Ihnat ignatz at
Mon Jan 2 14:14:00 AEST 1989

In article <10 at taqwa.UUCP> mkp at taqwa.UUCP (Michael K. Peterson) writes:
>In article <417 at limbic.UUCP> gil at limbic.UUCP (Gil Kloepfer Jr.) writes:
>>I think an interesting addition to John's interface would be to PROVIDE the
>>P5.1 upgrade along with the board.  It would be interesting to see how many
>I agree completely.  I would prefer to do both upgrades
>at the same time. 

This only if they're two separate upgrades, and CAN be acquired simultaneously,
but need not be.  There are myriad reasons for keeping the upgrades separate,
and virtually no good ones for doing them both on the same card/upgrade:

1) Existing upgraded units.
   A combined upgrade either would be unavailable to these units--and there are
   a lot of them--or require that two upgrades be maintained, which is an
   unnecessary pain for the provider.

2) Complexity.
   Keeping it a separate upgrade keeps the complexity down, guaranteeing both
   a more reliable upgrade, and a simpler installation.

3) Cost
   The cost of the combined upgrade will be greater than a single upgrade; this
   affects both those who already have the 5.1 upgrade, and those who want
   multiple drives but for some reason wouldn't care about the 5.1 features.

4) Aesthetics.
   Simply put, the two upgrades accomplish different purposes.  Keep them

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