troff, mks, Elan

Ken Greer kg at elan.UUCP
Fri Jan 13 04:18:58 AEST 1989

>From article <7897 at mtune.ATT.COM>, by rkh at mtune.ATT.COM (Robert Halloran):
> The problem we have [with Mks's] is that their troff generates a
> proprietary intermediate code, which means we are obliged to use
> their post-processors instead of being able to ship it up to our
> Unix hosts for post-processing.  MKS also (at last inquiry) had not
> ported the Imagen post-processor from the SoftQuad code, which would
> have been helpful for us.

EROFF for MS-DOS, from Elan Computer Group, has been shipping
for over two years before MKS's and does not have the shortcomings
you've have mentioned:

	1. Eroff does not use a proprietary intermediate code.
	   It's real diTroff.  You can use your own home grown postprocessors
	   others.  You can send the output to your UNIX systems as you wish.
	2. An Imagen driver is available from Elan too, along 
	   with LaserJet and PostScript drivers.
	3. Eroff contains unique memory management exclusively for MS-DOS
	   to get around the MS-DOS restricted address space.
	4. Eroff has been benchmarked as up to twice as fast as MKS's by an
	   independant consultant.

		Elan Computer Group, Inc.
		410 Cambridge Avenue, Suite A
		Palo Alto, CA 94306

Ken Greer

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