Re^2: 9track on 3b2

Art Gentry gentry at kcdev.UUCP
Sat Jul 1 00:46:07 AEST 1989

In article <13765 at netsys.COM>, len at netsys.COM (Len Rose) writes:
> I thought the AT&T 9-track drive was a CDC Keystone.. At least
> the few I have seen with AT&T logos on them were..
On some of the older systems ei. 3b5, 3b15, 3b20's, you'll find Kennedy's and
CDC's.  On the newer 3b2/xxx series, they are putting HP's 7980 autoload

| R. Arthur Gentry     AT&T Communications     Kansas City, MO     64106 |
| Email: killer!kcdev!gentry        ATTMail: attmail!kc4rtm!gentry       |
| The UNIX BBS: 816-221-0475        The Bedroom BBS: 816-637-4183        |
| $include {std_disclaimer.h}       "I will make a quess" - Spock - STIV |

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