uncompress and enhanced diagnostics

Thad P Floryan thad at cup.portal.com
Tue Jul 4 12:05:12 AEST 1989

Re: Jan Isley's comments re: uncompress re: the s4diag I recently posted ...

I don't know what to say.  I experienced similar problems myself the first
time I unpacked some GNU distribution from osu-cis using their published
instructions regarding using "zcat" (linked to uncompress).  I checked the
posting twice before sending it out to the world, and when using the three
lines of instructions (following) all worked fine:

	$ cat s4diag.Z.uue.1 s4diag.Z.uue.2 > s4diag.Z.uue
	$ uudecode s4diag.Z.uue
	$ uncompress s4diag

I even uncompressed it fine on an HPUX, an Amdahl, and an Amiga.

If the compress you're using is the old one from the STORE!, that may explain
the problem; the uu{en|de}code, compress and shar I used are fairly recent
ones from the net.  In fact, the {un}compress is the one I got from osu-cis
(for use on the UNIXPC), the compress on the HPUX is whatever accompanied
HPUX, same for the Amdahl, and the compress on the Amiga is from a PD Amiga
software collection; all of these are compatible in the 16-bit mode and all
process files created by the others.

Thad Floryan [ thad at cup.portal.com (OR)  ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

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