Hard disk testing stuff -- specifically badblocks
Bill Seymour
billsey at agora.UUCP
Mon Mar 13 08:18:51 AEST 1989
>From article <11195 at s.ms.uky.edu:, by david at ms.uky.edu (David Herron -- One of the vertebrae):
: A question for the assembled masses, one which I don't know a proper
: newsgroup in which to post the question.
: Short version: [Deleted]
: Long version: [Mostly deleted]
: I have a hard disk which I'm trying to use on an Amiga 2000. (It's one
: of those CDC Wren II's which the guy in Albany is selling). I have an
: 2090A controllor board and the standard Amiga DOS software for PREP'ing
: and FORMAT'ing disks. The problem is that during the format the
: machine hangs at Cyl 101 in a way which makes me think it's a bad
: block.
You could laways find someone with one of the other SCSI controllers
for the Amiga that *does* have a real low-level formatting routine... I
know that the 2090 doesn't yet. Where you might run into problems is if
the Wren II has a different method for handling bad blocks than other
controllers... If the Wren II is compatible with one of the other supported
drives, you should be able to do a real clean format. I use the Supra on
my system, and there are about 20-30 drive/controller combos supported
with a very good low-level format routine.
: <-- David Herron; an MMDF guy <david at ms.uky.edu:
: <-- ska: David le casse\*' {rutgers,uunet}!ukma!david, david at UKMA.BITNET
: <-- Now I know how Zonker felt when he graduated ...
: <-- Stop! Wait! I didn't mean to!
-Bill Seymour ...tektronix!reed!percival!agora!billsey
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