Telling 3B2's apart
Larry Taborek
larry at macom1.UUCP
Tue Mar 7 02:25:42 AEST 1989
>From article <739 at ka3ovk.UUCP>, by albers at ka3ovk.UUCP (Jon Albers.):
> We just got one of our Zilog Z8000 model 31+'s 'upgraded' to the Zilog
> S8000/32 model 32. The upgrade consisted of removing the Z8000 based CPU,
> and all the associated hardware (memory boards, serial boards, disk/tape
> controller boards, CPU power supply, etc.....Well, the only origional
> equipment left was the disk drives, tape drives, and the cabinet, which is
> of the 19-inch rack type), and replacing them with what appeares to be
> an AT&T 3B2, model unknown (When we got ours, they haden't even had time
> to rebound the manuals, and they still bore the AT&T 3B2 titles... I also
> checked to CPU board after the technician left.....). How can I tell what
> model 3B2 I've got? It supports 26 users (2 ports on the CPU cabinet, 24
> on external panels), but that's about all I know so far. What can I look
> for? Board part numbers? Special chips? ROM Monitor commands?
> Some 'upgrade', huh?
You are mistaken. The CPU board and upgrade to a model 32 are
really based on Zilog components, and not a 3B2 in a Zilog
cabinet. The CPU board does contain a Western Electric chip, but
thats about it.
The Manuals are the AT&T System V set for the 3B2, only because
that is a very good set of manuals for System V, and very usefull
for the System V version of the operating system that is now on
your Model 32. Besides these manuals, you should have received a
few more Zilog manuals, like the S8000/32 System Administrators
manual to help supplement the System V manuals you have.
Before you slam Zilog and your site upgrade, you may wish to give
us a call. We are under contract to help support you. The
Centel hotline number is (703) 758-7000.
Larry Taborek ..!uunet!grebyn!macom1!larry Centel Federal Systems
larry at macom1.UUCP 11400 Commerce Park Drive
Reston, VA 22091-1506
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