tasppe drive software needed!

~XT6513400~Doug W. Barnes~C29~M18~7104~ dwb at cuuxb.ATT.COM
Fri May 12 00:23:52 AEST 1989

In article <4100001 at iuvax> tenny at iuvax.cs.indiana.edu writes:
>I need to know if anyone has written code to make a 3B2/600 SCSI tape
>drive read tapes written on a 3B2/300 ctc tape drive. Anyone who has one will
>know what all this means. We have 100 megabytes to move, and I would rather
>not do it by wire. I KNOW some UNIX hacker out there has done this, but
>I don't know how to get the message out. Do you know someone who does?
>I'm leaving the country for a week on Saturday, so if you can leave me
>a message before then I would be very grateful. 
This is not possible since the 2 formats are totally incompatible. 

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