compiler chokes on 1986th #define

Chantal Eide ceide at
Wed May 3 23:10:51 AEST 1989

When compiling a file with a large number of '#define's on our AT&T3B2
machine I encountered the following error message:

too much defining

Each '#define' after that had the same error message.  We tried to
isolate the problem with the following test program:

	#include "hh.h"
	main() { printf("hi there\n"); }

	#define DEF1 1
	#define DEF2 2
	#define DEF10000 10000

The 3B2 chokes at the 1986th '#define', printing 'too many defines'.

Does anyone know how to get around this problem?  Please email me, as
I do not read this group.

Thank you,

Chantal Eide
BBN Systems and Technologies Corp.
ceide at

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