3b1 40meg disk woes: Help

Chris Siebenmann cks at ziebmef.uucp
Sat May 6 05:04:33 AEST 1989

In article <17733 at cup.portal.com> thad at cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
| HOWEVER: to prevent fartleberries accumulating in the file system, it IS a
| good idea to "shutdown" and "reboot" every week or so ... but keep the power
| applied to the system.

 Do these actually accumulate on the UNIX-PC? I try to keep my system
up for as long as possible (the only problem I've found so far is that
/etc/wmgr accumulates memory, so you have to kill and restart it every
now and then), and after routine shutdowns and startups, fsck never
seems to find any problems. Have people observed the infamous SysV
disappearing-inodes problem on their machines? Are there other FS
problems people have encountered?

	"Oh BLESS you, sir! The ANGEL OF DEATH was after me just as SURE as
	 you're standing there, yes he WAS!"
Chris Siebenmann		uunet!{utgpu!moore,attcan!telly}!ziebmef!cks
cks at ziebmef.UUCP	     or	.....!utgpu!{,ontmoh!,ncrcan!brambo!}cks

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