Miniscribe 3065 for 7300

David C. Albrecht dca at toylnd.UUCP
Tue May 23 09:29:34 AEST 1989

In article <236 at syteke.UUCP>, jim at syteke.UUCP (Jim Sanchez) writes:
> Since I need to upgrade my 7300 from 40 Mb disk to something larger, I
> noticed that the Miniscribe 3065 (number may be 3085) has impressive
> specs in the advertisments.  It's access time is listed as 17 ms and
> even if this is optomistic, it is still pretty fast for the price.
> Does anyone know if I can use this as a 67 Mb disk(8 heads 1024 cyl)
> without any problems?  It is a half-height unit which would allow me
> to get another one when the disk mods become available.  Any/all
> information will be appreciated.
I got a 3085 from Hard Drives International (they advertise in Computer
Shopper).  I believe it is going for < $600 these days.  However,
I didn't get it for my Unix PC.  Unlike the 3053 for which the heads
and cylinders is the same as the 6053, the 3085 isn't the same as the
6085 at all.
Model 3085
Formatted capacity    72.4M
Number of disks        5
Number of heads        7
Number of cylinders 1177
Average Access        18ms
Track to Track         5ms
Average power         12.4watts
Form Factor           HH 51/4
MTBF               30000 hrs
Sectors/Track         17
Auto Park            Yes
Is there any kind of cylinder limit on the Unix PC?  For some reason I seem to
remember 1024 as the max cylinders that could be used on a drive but I could
just be confused.  Would someone please clarify?

David Albrecht

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