Cheap Draw 2.0 (Careware for UNIX-PC)

Robert L. Platt rlp at ceres.UUCP
Tue May 9 07:14:04 AEST 1989

In article <595 at flatline.UUCP>, erict at flatline.UUCP (J. Eric Townsend) writes:
> In article <703 at> lenny at (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
> >You need to install the Virtual Device Interface (VDI) that comes
> >with the UNIX Utilities.  It's one disk, and on that disk you'll find
> >the /usr/lib/libcvdi.a (C Binding to VDI).
> I'm not certain, but I think the VDI Libs cost extra for 3.0.   Again,
> I'm not sure.  I know that mine were all seperate from the Development
> Kit when I got my machine.

> J. Eric Townsend

VDI was distributed as part of the development utilities (cc, vi, etc.)
package for the UNIX-PC.  The library consists of one floppy labeled
UNIX * Utilities Virtual Device Interface Ver 3.0/3.5.  The GSS drivers
(2 floppies) are included with the core UNIX package and can be found
in the back of the Owner's Manual.  Both MUST be loaded to use
Cheap Draw 2.0.

Bob Platt

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