How cheeply can I add second hard drive to my 3B2

James D. Corder jdc at alix.UUCP
Tue May 2 07:53:32 AEST 1989

Hello NetLanders:-)

	Our AT&T 3B2/300 SYS V 2.0 2mg ram 80mg hard drive is busting at
the seams:-(  I need more disk space!!!  I would like to put news on a
second hard drive.  How much disk space would one need for news if you
keep the information for a week, for two weeks?

	What is our cheapest way to go?

	I herd one can hang a second drive off the back port of the 3B2
without adding a Xm box, is this possible?  What software does one need?
What will this cost: 20mg, 40mg, 70mg, 80mg, ...?

	What about SCSI?  Where do I get the SCSI card?  Are there different
types?  What software will I need?  What about the hard drive? What is the cost?
Is it true that once you purchase a SCSI card and the "Software for THAT card
you can pick up any SCSI box (ie:	Mac SCSI hard drives) and simply slap
one on? Does the SCSI card software handle any SCSI device no matter what
machine it was made for?

	I have an AT&T service contract on this machine.  Will any of this
void our contract?

Thank you,
James D. Corder

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