Fan Recommendation

S.MIKES smikes at hound.UUCP
Sat May 13 16:16:50 AEST 1989

In article <20 at oink.UUCP>, jep at oink.UUCP (James E. Prior) writes:
> I'm a big fan :-) of quiet fans.  But, I'm suspicious of any claim
> using the word virtually.  
> I, and I expect many others are interested in quiet fans, and would
> like to know more about the "Boxer Hi-Fi".  


Boxer Hi-Fi fans are manufactured by the Boxer Fan Company [Boxer, Corp.];
they are the originators of the small square cooling fans we all love to 
hate.  The Hi-Fi is their quietest model and is designed for use in home
audio equipment and cabinets.  At two feet you can't hear it in a quiet room,
unless you are a bat or an elephant. (Let's just say it's QUIET!)

It's output is between 70-110 CFM and < 30 dBa; it is an AC fan.  You should
look in your local yellow pages under stereos/hi-fi and try to find a dealer
who does custom installations/repairs, they are likely to carry the fan.
Also, most *good* electronics supply houses may carry the item as well.
Last time I got one they were about $22.00.


[The opinions expressed herein are mine, not those of my employer.]

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