smgr keeps dying ???

Brant Cheikes brant at
Tue Oct 24 10:43:16 AEST 1989

In article <139 at jeffpc.UUCP> jeff at jeffpc.UUCP (Jeff Trim) writes:
>Because this may or may not be common knowledge: 'smgr' and 'cron' are
>EQUIVILENTS - This is in reference to the 3B1 Unix Pc...

Sorry, but this is absolutely false.  /etc/smgr and /etc/cron on the
UNIXpc are not equivalent at all, as a simple ls -l would prove.  Cron
is the "standard" System V clock daemon, whereas smgr is a cron
superset: it performs all the functions of cron, and more.  Besides
its cron functions, smgr controls the date and time display at the top
of the display, drives the mail, calendar, and disk-space-low icons,
and also performs certain system error logging activities (smgr is the
one behind those [!] and [!!] icons).  Smgr is the preferred clock
daemon on the UNIXpc.

PLEASE folks, it's great to try to help, but first try to be
reasonably sure of your facts, lest you possibly do more harm than

>One of the things I have noticed about the 3B1 is that it doesn't
>like to let you start processes in background and then logoff [...]

No, it likes that fine.  You just need to read about nohup(1).

As for WHY smgr is dying, that I cannot fathom, so I'm going to take
my own advice and be quiet.
Brant Cheikes
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Computer and Information Science
brant at, brant at, bpa!manta!brant

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