Wanted: AT&T 6300+ or 7300 PC with mouse

Boyd Ostroff ostroff at oswego.Oswego.EDU
Thu Oct 5 01:28:23 AEST 1989

In article <807 at soleil.UUCP> zilaitis at soleil.UUCP (Vicki Zilaitis) writes:
>                       Wanted: AT&T PC (DOS and Unix)      
>                       preferably model 7300 (could be 6300+)
>                       Mouse with microsoft software and
>                       Hard disk are also desired.

Just as point of information, the 6300 and 7300 are in no way related to each
other.  The 6300 and 6300+ are 80x86 MSDOS machines, though UNIX is available
for the 6300+.  

The 7300 is the "UNIX PC", made by Convergent and based on the 68010.  They are
strictly UNIX machines, and all come with hard disks (of varying sizes) and 
mice.  You won't find any DOS compatibility here, unless you also buy a
($$$) DOS-73 add-in card....  

Boyd Ostroff, Technical Director ||||||| System Administrator, "The CallBoard"
Theatre Department, SUNY Oswego  ||||||| Serving the performing arts since 1986
        (315) 341-2987           ||||||| (315) 947-6414  300/1200/2400 baud 8N1
ostroff at oswego.Oswego.EDU     ...!rutgers!rochester!kodak!gizzmo!cboard!ostroff 

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