Let's play "Name that Manufacturer"...

Dr. Scump aland at infmx.UUCP
Wed Oct 4 18:50:07 AEST 1989

Quick question, for those who know...

Does anybody have a canonical list of all of the AT&T 386 machines
which includes the manufacturer of each box (Olivetti or Intel) ?

(Various 6300+ horror stories omitted.   [-:  )

If you know 'em all and are sure, please email or post.  Otherwise, if 
you know the answer for a particular model or two, please email and
I will post a summary.

Also, regarding the Intel boxes: are the Intel-made models relabeled
versions of models Intel ships themselves or sells to *other* mfr's
to relabel and sell as *their* own, -or- are they done custom for AT&T?

I would also appreciate comments from owners of the 25 MHz and 33 MHz
models (with hardware cache).

Thanks in advance.

    Alan S. Denney  @  Informix Software, Inc.    
         {pyramid|uunet}!infmx!aland                 "I want to live!
   --------------------------------------------       as an honest man,
    Disclaimer:  These opinions are mine alone.       to get all I deserve
    If I am caught or killed, the secretary           and to give all I can."
    will disavow any knowledge of my actions.             - S. Vega

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