UNIXPC power supplies: LOCATED!

Oskar von der Luehe ovdluhe at ethz.UUCP
Thu Oct 12 17:59:19 AEST 1989

In article <22964 at cup.portal.com> thad at cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
[lots of stuff deleted...]
>		       my	     today's	      my	   today's
>		      3B1	       3B1	    PC 7300        PC 7300
>Power In:	    90-130 VAC	    90-130 VAC	   90-130 VAC     90-130 VAC
>(Silkscreened	      245 W	      245 W	     195 W	    195 W
> legends)	     58-63 Hz        58-63 Hz       58-63 Hz       58-63 Hz
                     ^^^^^           ^^^^^          ^^^^^          ^^^^^
I'd like to mention to the community that I'm running a 7300 through a 
220V/110V transformer at 50 Hz without any trouble. These supplies seem 
to digest 50 Hz as well.

>Thad Floryan [ thad at cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

BTW: I received the WD2010 allright, Thad! Another public praise for a
great job well done!

Oskar von der Luehe		UUCP:	"...!unido!cernvax!ethz!ovdluhe"
Institut fuer Astronomie	SPAN:	vdluhe at 20641.span
ETH-Zentrum			DECNET:	20641::VDLUHE
CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland

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