mail replacement

Steven A. Conrad sac at conrad.UUCP
Sun Oct 8 23:19:49 AEST 1989

In article <17725 at rcsuna.UUCP> rhaar at rcsuna.UUCP (Bob Haar CS50) writes:
>Can anyone recommend a public domain replacement for the mail program
>that comes standard with a UNIX-PC ?  

I use mush 6.3, and others are available, such as mailx (I've not used
the others, but mush suits me fine.  Mush is "mail user's shell", and
should be readily available.
Steven A. Conrad,  Department of Medicine (Critical Care)
Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, LA
UUCP: sac at conrad.UUCP,   Internet: conrad at
"I think there is a world market for about five computers" TJ Watson Jr, 1943

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