ualarm() and ptys.

Kevin Lincoln Flynn flynn at
Thu Sep 7 10:22:47 AEST 1989



We're running about a dozen 3B2's here.  There's a program I'm working on that
I want/need to port to some of our 3B2s -- among other things, it is a light-
weight thread scheduler.  I need the equivalent of ualarm() for it -- ie an
alarm() call that can send me a SIGALRM every 1/10th of a second or so.  Now,
the man page for clock or something tells me that the 3B line has a clock res-
olution of 1/100th of a second....  so WHERE THE !@#!@&* is a call or function
or kludge or _SOMETHING!!!!_ that can get at it?!  Using alarm() and just
making do with nonpreemptive scheduling is not acceptable.

On another note, does anyone have a pty driver and Unix-domain sockets that
will run WITHOUT Wollongong TCP/IP?  We're looking at perhaps MAYBE using
3BNET for RFS but need ptys to be able to do real interactive logins.

Thanks in advance (sigh),

  - Flynn

Kevin Lincoln Flynn    flynn at, userfwvl at
147 1st Street         H (518) 273-6914  W (518) 447-8561
Troy, NY  12180        
...Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours.

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