flakey telephone ...
Jim Gottlieb
jimmy at icjapan.uucp
Fri Sep 29 19:32:44 AEST 1989
In article <164 at toto.UUCP> bill at toto.UUCP (Bill Cerny) writes:
>> (The "*70" part selects call-waiting-disable, and the "," specifies a pause,
>> to wait for the bzzz-bzzz which confirms the disable.)
>The pause after '*70' isn't necessary. The confirmation tone (treble
>burst of dial tone) is a courtesy only; the DTMF digit receiver is
>still listening for the rest of the number.
While this is true in some telephone switches (like the AT&T ESS), it
is not true in others, such as the Northern Telecom DMS. One should
test this first before removing the pause.
Jim Gottlieb Info Connections, Tokyo, Japan
<jimmy at pic.ucla.edu> or <jimmy at denwa.uucp> or <attmail!denwa!jimmy>
Fax: (011)+81-3-239-7453 Voice Mail: (011)+81-3-944-6221 ID#82-42-424
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