sick disk?!
root at
Mon Sep 25 14:24:48 AEST 1989
Nidhog's disk is very sick I have a brand new(6 mo.) miniscribe 3085,
an even newer(1 mo.) WD 2010 controller, and a two week old 3b1 power suppply.
Nidhog had a 7300 1 meg on board 2 meg expansion dos board and am running 3.50 OS.
The disk works well most of the time but occasionally the hard disk
makes an awful noise ``brrrrrrrr...spriong-griong-griong''. The status
manager(smgr) flickers or dies sysinfo responst /dev/rfp002 can't
read superblock. The disk is gone. Well diagnostics ran and responded
error on check read when ever this happens. The only thing I can think
of is bad power. If any one out there has had a similar experience :*(.
Or has any helpful suggestions Please Let me know.
The only consistant response I got from the diags was that block # 3168
was bad. How I convert the block that diagnostics gives from surface test
to a logical block that I can give to the badblock table stuff?
Thanks in advance.
Henry D. Reynolds @'s:
1718 Valeria !'s: {,texbell}!helps!nidhog!hdr
Austin, Texas 78751 IBM:!auschs!!hdr
HOME: (512)448-3617 WORK: (512)823-4348
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