Disk Partitions under Sys V/386
Joe Brownlee
joe at gistdev.UUCP
Fri Sep 1 00:52:35 AEST 1989
I have a 6386 WGS on which I am about to install UNIX System V/386, version
3.2. The machine has two disk drives: a 72 MB and a 40 MB drive. I wish to
place partitions on the disks such that /, swap, and a /usr2 partition are
on the first disk (the 72 MB), and /usr is on the 40 MB. OK, so far.
The problem seems to be that when you are installing UNIX, the installation
software only knows about the first disk. Since this is the case, it insists
that /, swap, and /usr all be placed on the same disk. You can add the second
disk using FACE later, but you have to have the machine up under UNIX first.
Given that placing /, swap, and /usr on the same disk is not the most efficient
way to configure a UNIX machine, I assume that I must be missing something
Does anyone have any experience on how to place the / and /usr partitions on
different disks using the hardware and software described above? Any help
would be _greatly_ appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Joe Brownlee | Captain, please -- not in front of the Klingons.
GIST, Inc. | -- Mr. Spock, Star Trek V
1800 Woodfield Dr. | Pay attention to what I say, and you might start a trend.
Savoy, IL 61874 | ARPANET: joe%gistdev at uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
(217) 352-1165 | UUCP : {uunet,pur-ee,convex}!gistdev!joe
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