3B400- ADD Hard Disk 150meg (HELP ME PLEASEE!!)

Victor Turner vturner at attctc.Dallas.TX.US
Thu Sep 21 23:59:54 AEST 1989

	I am attempting to put a 150meg priam model#519 on a
400, using the mother board interface.(no SCCI). The drive
was previously in a dos machine. I have the basic guide-line
to the programs i need to use, but the sequence to bring the
drive to a sane-state is not clear. I have the maintenance
IDTOOLS, i also have tried to and failed about thirty or
a hundred times to stumble thru.
	Anyone who can provide the procedure would be a life
saver. I'm about 1 foot from the insane state myself. Please
mail to :

or call collect : 214-484-7547  after 5:00pm central
or mail your name and number to   attctc!dlss2!victor

	Thanks,    Victor Turner


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