3B1 and 60386 floppies
Peter J Diaz de Leon
peter at csd4.csd.uwm.edu
Thu Sep 7 00:17:37 AEST 1989
We have at work some ATT 3B1's and a 20MHz ATT 60386 box.
Both are running ATT Sysyem V. Is there any way to get
a floppy that was formated on a 3B1 read on a 60386
and vise versa.
ARPA: peter at csd4.csd.uwm.edu USMAIL: Peter J. Diaz de Leon
peter at cvax.cs.uwm.edu 7411 W. Warnimont Ave.
Milwaukee, WI. 53220
ICBM: 43 4 58 N / 87 55 52 W
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