NMI Parity Error
Thomas J. Pusateri
pusateri at lear.cs.duke.edu
Sat Sep 2 04:19:05 AEST 1989
Okay, I was typing along in my favorite editor when all of a sudden
the screen scrolled with a mesage NMI kernel parity error! type 0x1f
Now I realize a non maskable interrupt occured but what would cause a
parity error? Are we talking bad memory chips? One additional note is
that this happened right after installing the 3.51 Fix Disk 1.0. I also
have Lenny's bootup scripts running. Other than that its a stock distribution.
Now when I try to boot, it just sits there when I boot totally from the hard
disk but if I boot from the "Hard Disk boot floppy" it will boot normally until
it tries to load the window drivers. When it gets a bad return status,
Lenny's scripts cause it to go into single user mode.
Has anyone ever experienced this before. I did occasionally experience
some parity errors before installing the Fix Disk 1.0 but only after I
installed Lenny's bootup scripts. (Probably a coincidence.) They didn't
say kernel parity error though.
Anyway, any help would be appreciated getting my 3b1 back on her feet.
Tom Pusateri
National Biomedical Simulation Resource
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710
pusateri at nbsr.mc.duke.edu
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