development environment source for UnixPC -- Apology!

Steve Johnson scj at
Sat Apr 7 13:54:26 AEST 1990

I profusely apologize for the duplication in my post.  In trying to post
from casux4 (well connected for netnews) and munging the header to
(bogusly) reflect a post from navaho (well connected for email)  I
managed to convince remote rn that I wanted the dup.  I couldn't
(C)ancel due to the fact that navaho doesn't carry the alt hierarchy
(especially unix-pc.*) and rrn insisted that I (on casux4) was not me
(on navaho).  Again, sorry!
Steven C. Johnson, Bell Communications Research, Inc.
{scj at (} or {bellcore!navaho!scj}

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