Multiple questions about drivers and MGR

Brian D. Botton botton at
Wed Dec 12 17:13:36 AEST 1990

In article <1990Dec11.025350.12566 at> jeffrey at (Jeffrey L Bromberger) writes:
>OK.  I've been saving up a whole lot of questions for the drivers
>experts out there:
>First off, I scrapped the standard windowing system for MGR.  In the
>process, I decided not to load the wind driver.  However nice this is,
>it seems that scrset (the program that blanks the screen) needs that
>stupid driver to work.  Does anyone out there have any suggestions on
>how to blank the screen WITHOUT reloading the driver?  I realize that
>I can load it and not use the UA, but I'd prefer not to have it there
>at all.  Would it call for making a tiny driver that does the blanking
>like wind did?  If I am stuck loading it, I'd have to use the
>patch that came with MGR, correct?

  I know it isn't quite the same as a screen blank, but locking the screen
will protect your screen.  The star field moves enough that you shouldn't have
to worry about burning the phosphorurs.  BTW, since source is available,
you could add a screen blank function.  I'm sure Brad would like to see one,
as well as a screen lock program that doesn't cause output to the windows to

>Second, I have gotten my hands on an Ethernet card and drivers
>(finally).  Has anyone tried MGR using the distributed pty code?
>(Is anybody still *using* mgr??) Can the ethernet stuff work without
>actually having a live connection (local stuff, I mean!)?

  Yes, people have used the Ethernet card with Mgr and yes, there is
a problem with different pseudo ttys.  One of the later patches has a
subdirectory that has a workaround for this exact proplem.

  BTW, I was the second person to use Mgr, after Brad got it up.  Initially
I had hoped to help him more in porting Mgr, but I spent a large chunk of
my time putting together kits.  For those that don't know, Brad spent at
least 20 hours a week for about six months getting Mgr up and running.
His wife was more understanding then she should have been.  If you want a
good programming environment on the 3B1/7300, you can't beat Mgr.  I know I'll
never use UA again.

     ...     ___	     ***
   _][_n_n___i_i ________  *******		Brian D. Botton
  (____________I_I______I_I_______I		laidbak!botton  or
  /ooOOOO OOOOoo  oo oooo  oo   oo		laidbak!bilbo!brian

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