Full vt100 emulation

Dave Ihnat ignatz at chinet.chi.il.us
Tue Feb 6 08:17:17 AEST 1990

In article <3232 at becker.UUCP> bdb at becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) writes:
>	Certainly DEC VMS products seem to require
>	full compatibility, it's true.

Well, true, *if* you call the terminal a true VT100.  BUT, VMS supports a
termcap-like capability that would easily allow you to define the subset of
the VT100 capabilities your emulator supports, and to call the thing a different
foreign terminal.  Such an approach *is* a kludge, and *is* inelegant.

But. It works.

I wrote a memorandum for one of my clients which excerpted the necessary
information to create such a foreign terminal support entry; it's certainly
no more difficult than writing a termcap/terminfo entry.  All the info is in
the VMS manual set, too.

	Dave Ihnat
	Analysts International Corp.
	ignatz at homebru.chi.il.us (preferred address)

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