International Language Support

Robert L. Platt rlp at ceres.UUCP
Thu Feb 15 11:01:42 AEST 1990

In article <1990Feb14.050329.14414 at stb.uucp>, thobe at stb.uucp (Glenn Thobe) writes:
> I would like help and suggestions on how to add FOREIGN ALPHABET support
> to my AT&T Unix PC.  Specifically, I am interested in Russian which uses the
> Cyrillic alphabet although your experience with Greek or other alphabets
> would be applicable. 
I don't know if anyone has successfully ported the X11 server
to the UNIX PC.  If you can get a server running on the
UNIX-PC then X11 Release 4 has fairly extensive support
for internationalization - including a Cyrillic font.
X11 also lets you re-map the keyboard.

Bob Platt

(X11 is a public domain window system originally developed for
Project Athena at MIT.  It has gained very wide industry acceptance.)

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