AT&T 6300PLUS setting date to 1996

William G. Hutchison wgh at ubbpc.UUCP
Wed Feb 28 02:13:11 AEST 1990

 About 1-2 weeks ago there was a discussion about the AT&T 6300/6300PLUS
and its new (1990) problem of telling its owners that the year is really 1996.

 Our newsfeed relocated recently and was off the net for about a week.  I did
not see any replies about this problem.  If there are any fixes, since this
is old news, could somebody e-mail info to me?

Bill Hutchison, DP Consultant	rutgers!cbmvax!burdvax!ubbpc!wgh
Unisys UNIX Portation Center	"Unless you are very rich and very eccentric,
P.O. Box 500, M.S. B121         you will not enjoy the luxury of a computer
Blue Bell, PA 19424		in your own home", Edward Yourdon, 1975.

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