Unix PC for sale

Neville Newman neville at mondrian.ads.com
Wed Feb 14 13:03:49 AEST 1990

	o Unix PC
	o 1Mb RAM
	o Unix 3.51 upgrade with all original manuals
	o Spare monitor and 3b1 (full-height) case top
	o 85 Mb Micropolis 1325 disk (not installed)
		(top of the 13xx line, with manual)
	o Original slow, noisy, 10 Mb disk
	o Can download all the Unix PC archives and fixdisks
		if you don't have transfer capability from
		the net.

This machine is essentially brand new - it only has
about 200 hours on it!!  i got it to replace my Stride
440 and then never found time to use it (cars took up
all my free time).  i loaded up 3.51, ran the machine in
my office for a week or two to burn it in, took it home,
and never turned it on again.  (yeah, i know, what a waste!)
i even bought the big disk with the intention of setting
up a Usenet node at home. Hah!

Anyway, the computer needs a home, and i need the money.

First $1200, or best offer.

i also have a Liberty terminal, model Freedom 200, that i'll
toss in for an additional $50.  *Fully* programmable keyboard,
2nd host/printer port, amber screen, room inside for an '030
SBC if you're the industrious type :-)

U.S. Mail:  Neville D. Newman
	    Advanced Decision Systems
	    1500 Plymouth Street
	    Mountain View, CA  94043-1230

Phone:	    (415) 960-7300 w
	    (408) 992-0959 h

Net mail:   neville at ads.com		  (for enlightened mailers)
or  ...!sri-spam!zodiac!neville		  (vanilla UUCP path)
or  {ucbvax,ames,et.al.}!ads.com!neville  (UUCP thru backbone sites)

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