99 pin connector buy - update

Steve Barber steveb at shade.UUCP
Wed Feb 7 13:31:58 AEST 1990

In article <1517 at shade.UUCP> I write:
> These connectors cost about $19 a piece in this quantity, and we
> need to get takers for at least 20 of them.  If you are interested
> in obtaining one or more of these connectors, please send me some
> mail, and specify quantity and your degree of certainty that
> you'll actually make the order when the time comes.  (i.e., can
> I count on getting a check from you if it looks like we've got
> enough takers?)
> My address is   steveb at shade.ann-arbor.mi.us  or
> 		...!sharkey.cc.umich.edu!shade!steveb
> P.S. You might want one on hand if/when we get a SCSI interface
>      put together...  (No guarantees yet though.)

Just an update:  It looks like there may be enough interested people
to make a group buy actually happen.  I have orders for 12 connectors
now (not counting mine).

We still need at least 6 more to reach the minimum order (I think I
can account for two if it comes down to that).  I think I'll wait until
next Wednesday (Feb. 14 - Valentine's Day) before I either start
collecting checks or give up on the deal.

Those of you who said you might get an extra one, please consider it,
we might need it to make the minimum order.

Below is the list of names and quantities that I have received requests
from.  If your name does not appear below and you sent me some mail,
please try again; I haven't gotten it as of 2/6/90 21:21.  This is my
"official" list, so if something isn't right, be sure to let me know!

Steve Barber		steveb at shade.ann-arbor.mi.us	Q: 1(+)
Frank Pedroni		pacbell!fdp			Q: 2
Howard E. Motteler	umbc3.umbc.edu!motteler		Q: 1(+)
Norman Yarvin		yarvin-norman at cs.yale.edu	Q: 2
Tom Seeba		seeba at prandtl.nas.nasa.gov	Q: 1(+)
Brian Botton		laidbak!botton			Q: 2
Ron Wilson		rlw at ttardis			Q: 1(+)
Roger Florkowski	roger at rogerf.austin.ibm.com	Q: 2
Mark Dapoz		uunet!mnetor!hybrid!mdapoz	Q: 1
						    Total: 13

(+) indicates people have said "...but maybe more..."

I'll say again that if we don't get enough orders, I won't be able to
get a connector, hence I won't be able to work on that SCSI card.  So you
*could* be doing a great service to the UNIX PC community by buying one!
[Okay, I'll stop already.  :-) ]  (Disclaimer: the SCSI board is vaporware
right now, and despite the best of intentions it might still never happen.)
--**-Steve Barber----steveb at shade.Ann-Arbor.MI.US----(cmode)-------------------

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