AT&T unix V386 on Compaq hardware?

Peter Holt holt at cs.AthabascaU.CA
Wed Feb 28 02:44:15 AEST 1990

robert at csustan.CSUStan.Edu (Robert Zeff) writes:

>I would like to install AT&T unix on my Compaq 386/20.  Does AT&T sell their
>unix for hardware other than AT&T?  

I have been using 3.1 and 3.2 for the last 18 months on a 
386 televideo with no problems with the basic UNIX. However, I
have yet to find a satisfactory nfs. Also it is expensive if you
wish all the bells and whistles as tcp/ip, nfs, vpix, ksh, mouse driver
etc are all unbundled yet base price is comparable to other bundled systems.

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