TCP/IP over Starlan

Mark Horn horn at
Tue Feb 6 13:45:04 AEST 1990

In article <1990Feb2.200906.24787 at nebulus.UUCP> root at nebulus.UUCP (Dennis S. Breckenridge) writes:
>In article <195 at glisten.UUCP> mike at glisten.UUCP (Michael Wendel) writes:
>> AT&T has announced Ethernet compatability (IEEE 802.3) with its 
>> Starlan 10 product. I have AT&T literature on this product offering.
>> It is available directly from AT&T. They provide a toll free number
>> for more information:  1-800-247-1212.
>I have been running TCP on OLD starlan as well here is what you
>do. (Replace nebulus with your hostname)
>Add this to /usr/etc/ to run tcp over starlan
>sl0	/dev/net/nau/clone /dev/arp0	nebulus
>sl0	/dev/arp	   /dev/ip0	nebulus

What about some way to run TCP/IP over the serial port?  Is it possible?  I've
looked in the "Enhanced TCP/IP WIN/3B LAN Interface" and they say nothing about
it.  They neither say you can nor that you can't.  I have a friend with an
Amiga running AmigaNOS that I would like to run SLIP to, but arghhh, I can't 
figure out how to get the thing ifconfig'd!!  Oh, BTW this is an ATT 3b1 that
I'm trying to do this from.  

While I'm at it.  Is there anywhere that lists what type of interfaces the
ifconfig command will recognize.  The only one that the manual mentions is 
en0.  Perhaps there is an interface for the Serial Line.  I see that sl0 is
the interface for StarLAN . . .

Any help is greatly appreciated
- sparkie
 ___  ___  ___  ___  _  _  _  ___
/ __\| . \/ . \| . \| |/ /|_|| _ |  "Mothers Against Skunks Driving...
\___\| __/|   || _ /|   < | || _[    ...because stinking and driving don't mix"
\___/|_|  |_|_||_|\\|_|\_\|_||___|          - heard on a madison radio station
ARPA:	harier!sparkie at, sparkie at
UUCP:	...{harvard|rutgers|ucbvax}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!harier!sparkie

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