Use csh for vt's in AT+T Unix?
Ted Powell
ted at eslvcr.UUCP
Tue Feb 27 06:28:24 AEST 1990
In article <59 at dynasys.UUCP> jessea at dynasys.UUCP (Jesse W. Asher) writes:
>I was wondering if there was anyway to use csh for the virtual
>terminals in AT+T Unix. It uses sh by default, but I'd like to
>use csh on all of them. I would rather it come up with csh so
>I wouldn't have to run csh on top of sh. No use running something
>you don't use. Thanx in advance.
Just be sure you set the environment variable SHELL to /bin/csh _before_
you fire up vtlmgr, so that it inherits it.
Various AT&T software packages add lines to a user's .profile when some
sort of add-user script is run, but ignore .login and .cshrc. For this
reason, I have my login shell configured as /bin/sh, and the tail end of
my .profile looks like this:
export SHELL
. $HOME/.vtlmgrsetup
. $HOME/.facesetup
. $HOME/.olsetup #!@ Do not edit this line !@
exec /bin/csh
When /bin/sh encounters the exec, it replaces itself with /bin/csh --
it doesn't hang around. Note that, for this reason, any lines in your
.profile following the exec will not be executed by /bin/sh. This can be
significant if you do a software install that appends lines to your
.profile (i.e. you have to move the exec to the end again).
ted at ...!ubc-cs!van-bc!eslvcr!ted (Ted Powell)
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