UNIX PC BOF Minutes, and Fixdisk 2.0
norman yarvin
yarvin-norman at CS.YALE.EDU
Wed Feb 14 14:09:42 AEST 1990
In article <1089 at icus.islp.ny.us> lenny at icus.islp.ny.us (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
> Discussions about porting X-windows to the UNIX-pc can be
> summarized in one sentence, "X windows can be ported to the
> UNIX-pc, but we need someone to write it." Nobody at the BOF
> volunteered to port X, but the MGR demonstration did spark
> some additional enthusiasm about doing it.
On a Sun, the X11R3 server takes 500K for the code segment and over a
megabyte total. On the Unix PC, less storage would be required for window
data (because of the smaller screen), but the server alone would still take
up a substantial percentage of the memory. The X clients together generally
take more memory than the server.
X was too big for the Sun-2, another 68010 machine; a friend who tried
running X on a Sun-2 says that the machine was very slow, and would crash
under the high load.
In summary, X is much too big and slow for the Unix PC, even if someone were
to port it. The Unix PC is a slow machine with a small amount of memory.
Some comments on Fixdisk 2.0: First, I unpacked it by hand (in case of any
AT&T treachery...). In the process, I discovered a couple of things in the
Install files that deserve comment. (Each fix has its own directory and
Install file; a central Install file runs the Install file in all the
1) The Install file for the ATE fix creates the file /usr/lib/ua/ate_info
with permissions 666 (as follows, starting from line 20):
| # Create /usr/lib/ate_info and make 666 for permissions fix
| > /usr/lib/ua/ate_info
| chmod 666 /usr/lib/ua/ate_info
I have no idea why a blank file called ate_info should be created, much less
why everyone should be able to bash it.
2) The Install file for the kernel fix contains the following code (starting
from line 26):
| echo "Unpacking window driver --- please standby ...\c"
| unpack wind.o 2>/dev/null
| echo
| mv /etc/lddrv/wind.o /etc/lddrv/wind.o.OLD
| mv ./wind.o /etc/lddrv/wind.o
| chown bin /etc/lddrv/wind.o
| chgrp bin /etc/lddrv/wind.o
| chmod 644 /etc/lddrv/wind.o
| rm -f wind # Force a new one to be built
The last line, "rm -f wind", does not work, because the routine has not
changed directory to /etc/lddrv. Does anyone out there know the difference
between "wind" and "wind.o", and how "wind" would be rebuilt? I decided not
to remove "wind", seeing as the fix had probably worked fine on lots of
other machines.
The second comment on 3.51m is that a bug which has made me reboot quite a
few times still exists. It is activated by the following sequence:
(rm /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..ph0)
(kermit; starts up on line /dev/ph0 at 1200 baud)
(phtoggle, from another window)
at which point the Phone Mangler switches its window to display "DATA 1:",
followed by the screen blanking as the machine crashes, followed by a relay
clicking five seconds later. (no, the relay bit isn't really that
Configuration: Kermit (don't know version # off hand), Fixdisk 2.0 phone
manager, Unix 3.51m kernel, phtoggle from Foundation Set 3.51, stock 67MB/2MB
3b1. Well, not quite stock; I put in a new clock battery. The problem only
occurs on the first use of the phone after booting the machine.
Workaround: running phtoggle twice before the above sequence.
This sequence is the only way I have found to get kermit to work. Starting
up kermit with the line already in DATA mode does not work, and not removing
the lock does not work -- kermit detects the lock, and refuses to open the
line. I don't remember what else doesn't work. Normally, after the steps
mentioned above, I dial from within kermit. This produces the message
"Can't release lock file" (or something similar), then "Dialing xxx-yyyy,
/dev/ph0, 1200 baud" (or something similar). Sometimes the dialing does not
start until I hit ^\, kermit's interrupt key, after which all is OK.
After the phtoggle, the disk starts a repetitive pattern of accesses, which
continue indefinitely until kermit starts dialing.
My last comment on 3.51m is that loading device drivers seems to take longer.
I have not verified this by a stopwatch (I will soon), but after each driver
is loaded, the system seems to wait for maybe 5 seconds before loading the
next. I would not notice this, except that I have modified /etc/.drvload to
display to the screen rather than to /tmp/<whatever>. I load two drivers:
lipc (SYSV IPC) and dup (Ford's /dev/fd/* device driver). After each there
is the pause. The modified .drvload follows: (I do suggest installing it.)
# called from /etc/rc to load drivers at boot time:
# /etc/.drvload
# requires:
# /etc/master (with entries for loadable devices)
# /etc/lddrv (directory)
# /etc/lddrv/lddrv (setuid root)
# /etc/lddrv/mkifile
# /etc/lddrv/drivers
# .o files for loadable drivers in /etc/lddrv
if [ ! -f /etc/lddrv/drivers ]
cd /etc/lddrv
exec < drivers
find . -name unix.sym ! -newer /unix -exec rm {} \;
if [ ! -r unix.sym ]
echo creating unix.sym
./mkifile /unix unix.sym
# Addition by F. Dewey 5/86 to take care of drivers that cause a panic
# during binding. The name of the current driver is kept in /etc/current.driver
# so that if, on the reboot after a panic or hang, the file contains
# the name of a driver, that driver is removed from the /etc/drivers
# file for subsequent bootups.
if [ -s /etc/current.driver ]
read driver </etc/current.driver
rm -f /etc/current.driver
echo "Removing problem driver $driver"
grep -v $driver /etc/lddrv/drivers >/tmp/$$.drv
mv /tmp/$$.drv /etc/lddrv/drivers
exec < drivers
while read driver
echo $driver >/etc/current.driver
sleep 1
if [ -z "$driver" ]
./lddrv -q $driver
if [ "$?" != "0" ]
./lddrv -av $driver
if [ \( "$retcode" = "0" \) -a \( -x ./${driver}.rc \) ]
if [ "$retcode" != "0" ]
./lddrv -dv $driver
if [ \( "$retcode" != "0" \) -a \( -x ./${driver}.brc \) ]
if [ "$retcode" != "0" ]
echo "Error loading driver $driver"
# if we got this far, the current driver didnt cause a panic or
# system hang, so it is OK to remove it from the current driver.file.
rm -f /etc/current.driver
exit 0
Norman Yarvin yarvin-norman at cs.yale.edu
"The blastoff looked much like the Challenger, except it appeared to take
place at night and there was no subsequent explosion"
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