CRISP editor
Thad P Floryan
thad at
Tue Feb 20 21:04:05 AEST 1990
zaphod at madnix.UUCP (Ron Bean) in <1125 at madnix.UUCP> writes:
Recently there was some discussion on comp.editors of a BRIEF
clone called CRISP (formerly called GRIEF) that was posted to
comp.sources.misc around the middle of last year. Has anyone
compiled this for the AT&T unix-pc/7300/3b1? It sounded like the
source was pretty huge, and I have a slow modem, so It would be
nice if I could get a binary from someone. My impression is that
most 3b1 people use emacs, though...
I remembered seeing CRISP cross the net last year, so I checked my archives.
Hmmm, wasn't on any of the UNIX systems, but I found it on one of my Amigas:
CLI2> ls -l pdl:usenet/src/*crisp*
----ar--- 89-03-20 04:10:40 20 9854 crisp-src-vms-&-other-systems
----ar--- 89-03-20 02:05:28 95 47926 crisp-src.01of29
----ar--- 89-03-20 02:15:56 95 47624 crisp-src.02of29
----ar--- 89-03-20 04:06:15 101 50819 crisp-src.28of29
----ar--- 89-03-20 04:08:22 39 19463 crisp-src.29of29
Dirs:0 Files:30 Blocks:2667 Bytes:1342830
CLI2> ls -l pdl:3b1/src/*crisp*
----ar--- 89-03-20 00:56:48 14 7002 crisp-diffs
Dirs:0 Files:1 Blocks:14 Bytes:7002
Not quite as large as GNU Emacs' 12+ MB, but big none-the-less. I never
have enough free disk to compile all the goodies I'd like to play with, so
I suggest you get the 29-part posting from a local archive site.
NOTE, however, the file "crisp-diffs". That contains the necessary changes
required to compile on the UNIXPC per the following:
From: john at hcr.UUCP (John R. MacMillan)
Newsgroups: unix-pc.general,comp.sys.att
Subject: Re: CRISP on the UNIXPC
Date: 11 Mar 89 21:50:51 GMT
Organization: HCR Corporation, Toronto
Lines: 173
Keywords: CRISP, 3b1, unixpc
In article <576 at ivucsb.UUCP> todd at ivucsb.UUCP writes:
|Anyone get the recently posted CRISP editor to run on the
|UNIXPC? Seems like it was made to run on PC boxes running
|UNIX. I tried hacking at it, but got nowhere.
Well, I got it running without too much trouble on the UNIXpc and
somewhat more trouble on a SysV box with a variety of terminals
(vt100, v50, and even a vc4404).
If anyone needs a copy of the above file (note: 7K), lemme know and I'll
email it to you since that file is probably not at any archive site. My
offer is for that ONE file ONLY! If someone has the space to compile it
all on a 3B1, I'd be happy to arrange to transfer the sources to you and
have you arrange binary distribution and/or archiving (at osu-cis ?).
Thad Floryan [ thad at (OR) ..!sun!portal!!thad ]
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