No more 3B1 power supplies at Halted Specialties

Karl Swartz kls at ditka.UUCP
Wed Feb 14 20:59:04 AEST 1990

In article <26893 at> thad at (Thad P Floryan) writes:
>The 3B1 supply is 245W with 5A at 12VDC, the 7300 supply is 195W with 3.5A
>at 12VDC ...

>1) 3B1 powers its hard drive directly from power supply; 7300 powers
>   its hard drive off the motherboard.

Which reminds me, I have a 7300 and a 3B1 power supply that I'd
like to stick in it.  I know instructions on the necessary changes
have been posted but I can't find any copies in my archives.  Can
somebody out there please post the instructions again?  Thanks!

Karl Swartz			 |UUCP	uunet!apple!zygot!ditka!kls
1-408/223-1308			 |INet	zygot!ditka!kls at
"I never let my schooling get in |BIX	kswartz
the way of my education."(Twain) |Snail	1738 Deer Creek Ct., San Jose CA 95148

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