Format of 386 Unix boot diskette
Chris Lewis
clewis at eci386.uucp
Sat Feb 3 05:56:42 AEST 1990
In article <1990Jan29.220409.3932 at banzai.PCC.COM> john at banzai.PCC.COM (John Canning) writes:
> In article <323 at> bj at (Bill Jackson) writes:
> >Does anyone have information on the format (layout of disk, cpio/dd/tar etc) of
> >the boot diskette used to load AT&T Unix V 3.2.2 on the 386 WGS machines?
> The initial disk is a mountable file system.
> I do not know how to make a floppy disk bootable.
The simplest approach is to simply put the boot diskette into the drive,
and dd the whole disk into a file somewhere. Put a new diskette in,
(physical format if neccessary) and dd it back out. On our machine the
appropriate device is /dev/dsk/f0q15dt, John uses /dev/dsk/f0. Use big block
sizes to make it go fast.
Then, if you want to modify the new copy, mount it, as in
/etc/mount <whichever device works for you> /mnt
And diddle. But I would strongly recommend not removing anything from
it, even though you'll probably not have much space on it, unless you
know *exactly* how the boot process works. /etc/init, inittab etc. etc.
are all neccessary for the boot. Makeing it do a from-tape
installation shouldn't be too hard - our boot floppy has all of the
questions/stubs for it *except* the tape driver in the kernel....
Chris Lewis, Elegant Communications Inc, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!lsuc!eci386!clewis
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