Twisted pair (StarLan) to ThinNet

John Greene greene at venice.SEDD.TRW.COM
Fri Mar 30 03:11:15 AEST 1990

In article <405 at> bj at (Bill Jackson) writes:
>Has anyone found a good way to bring ThinNet into a twisted pair (StarLan)
>network?  I have a campus network based on StarLan components from AT&T and
>Is the problem a lack of a twisted pair standard?  The Synoptics stuff was all
>billed for their LatticeNet stuff - is this not the same as StarLan? 

First thing is that you are mixing two different things here.  Literally, you
can bridge between ThinNet and StarLan using a Mac Layer Bridge such as made
by Retix.  StarLan is a 1 MegaBit/Sec twisted pair network.  The Synoptics 
stuff is an implementation of 10 MBit/sec twisted pair which is in the process
of being standardized as 10baseT.  I think that StarLan carries a standard of
1base5 (I think).  It's been five years since I messed with any of this stuff. 

In short, No, Synoptics is not the same as StarLan.  Unless it is their series
3000 stuff, it's not 10baseT either.

John E. Greene    "People are just like frankfurters....You have to decide
                   if you're going to be a hot dog or just another wiener" DLR
TRW Systems Engineering and Development Division
INTERNET: greene at venice.sedd.TRW.COM  USENET: ..trwrb!venice!greene

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